Secure Your Chain-Link Fence with the Durable and Rust-Resistant Panel Clam
The Chain-Link Panel Clamp, also known as a Saddle Clamp, is specifically designed to clamp together sections of chain-link fence. Made from high-quality galvanized steel, this clamp is both durable and rust-resistant, making it suitable for outdoor use.
This two-piece clamp is easy to install and requires a carriage bolt for proper installation. It is versatile and can be used to connect two fence sections together.
Laced Chain-Link: Temp Fence for the Long Haul | SONCO
Rising costs stretch every budget in today’s inflationary environment, casting doubt on previous hopes of a “reasonable” ROI.
Choose the Best Temporary Fence Screen
Windscreens and custom-printed fence covers do more than block the wind. Found at construction sites, event venues, sports arenas and more, these screens improve job site aesthetics and lend privacy and security to your project.